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The Matunuck School STEAM Fair is an opportunity for all our inventors, scientists, artists, mathematicians, and engineers to share their ideas with our school community.  The STEAM Fair is an opportunity for students to explore topics within the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) fields.  Participation is completely optional and voluntary.  The STEAM Fair is not a competition, it is an opportunity for children to make meaningful connections to the real world as they develop the skills, behaviors, and dispositions necessary for college, career, and life readiness.


Project ideas should come from the students and students should drive their projects. It is important that students conduct their own research, experiments, and discovery—and it is totally ok if the experiment or design doesn’t work!  (We know that parental assistance will be needed, especially for some of our younger students. But the idea here is that these projects are something students are really interested or passionate about, and look like something achievable for elementary students- we aren't looking for professional, polished end products!) 


Students may work independently, work with a partner, or work with a team—it’s their choice!  Partner or team members can come from different classes or grades. Maximum team size is four.


PROJECT PRESENTATIONS: (both presentations are casual as viewers walk around and peruse the various STEAM Fair entries; this is NOT a formal presentation in front of the entire school/assembled families).

1. During the school day on Thursday, February 13, 2025 students will stand by their projects and demonstrate, discuss, explain their  work and findings, and answer questions for peers and teachers.

2. After school on the same day, Thursday, February 13, at 6pm, Matunuck will host a STEAM Fair Family Night. Parents, extended family and friends are invited to Matunuck School. The Friends & Family presentation portion of the STEAM Fair is an opportunity for the student(s) to present and talk about their work to an adult or peer who is likely not their teacher or their parent–another skill to practice. (**This is not a drop off event, an adult must stay with/be responsible for students). 


ALL Students must register to participate in the STEAM Fair by Thursday, January 30, 2025.  There is no cost to participate, however the STEAM Fair Planning team needs to understand the number of participants for planning purposes.  Click here to Register. (If your student knows they would like to participate, but does not have a topic yet, go ahead and register leaving the topic blank. Contact Elisabeth ( when a topic is chosen.)


Any questions please contact Elisabeth Hoy at





Helpful Tips:

We heard you: This year the Matunuck PTO has purchased trifold display boards and each *registered* group will be given a display board to use. 

 Tip 1:  How to Pick a STEAM Fair Topic

Click here to download tips that can be printed for students.

The video below is for students to listen to.  NOTE that dates listed in the video are from the past STEAM Fair please visit the Important Date page to learn about the appropriate dates for this year.


 Tip 2:  How to Setup your STEAM Fair Project

The video below is for students to listen to.  NOTE that dates listed in the video are from the past STEAM Fair please visit the Important Date page to learn about the appropriate dates for this year.


 Tip 3:  How to Setup your Project Display Board and Make your Video

The video below is for students to listen to.  NOTE that dates listed in the video are from the past STEAM Fair please visit the Important Date page to learn about the appropriate dates for this year.


Excited Children in Science Class
Matunuck Manta Rays: Respect all others, yourself and your surroundings.
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